What do the 3 R’s stand for?


We take materials unwanted by others. Whether it be tires, wood, remnants from a fire.  And if we decided we can’t use it, we’ll find someone who can or dispose of it properly.


So many ways to recycle materials on the homestead. Uneaten food is feed to our composting red worms or happily devoured by our two resident pigs, Little Man and Witchy Pooh!. Water from the sinks and shower is captured and used to water our trees, the garden, and native desert plants.


One season a pile of wood pallets could be used for an outdoor shower. Then it could find itself being used to house a couple of pigs. Or those same pallets could end up as siding for the bathhouse. So many uses. So little time for all our projects.


Chris and Patty met in August 2000 online. In 2005, they purchased 5 acres of land in north Joshua Tree with plans of building their dream home on it some day. That almost happened in 2006 but life threw them a curveball and their dreams were put on hold. Fast forward to 2015, when they decided to stop waiting for the planets to align and once again began making plans to build on their property. But as fate would have, life threw yet another fastball the beginning of 2016 when Chris’ mother got sick and passed away a short time later. They decided that life is too short to let your dreams pass you by and they jumped into homesteading with just a 30 foot trailer to live in and piles of materials they had been collecting for the past year. Join them as they share their homesteading adventure (the good and the bad) and learn a more sustainable way of living in the desert.

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